Miletus (Acts 20:15-38)

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Miletus, Aydın, Turkey
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Pictures & Video

4th century B.C. but added on to in the Roman period.
Me, the Scooter, and the Amphitheater
Me, the Scooter, and the Amphitheater
4th century B.C. but added on to in the Roman period.
4th century B.C. but added on to in the Roman period.
Ancient Harbor
Ancient Harbor
1st century A.D. but has silted in pushing the coast many miles away.
Faustina Bath
Faustina Bath
3rd century A.D. erected by Faustina II wife of Macus Aurelius (161-180 A.D.). Frididarium pool with statue of Meander and lions.
Statue of River God Meander
Statue of River God Meander
3rd century A.D.
Faustina Bath
Faustina Bath
3rd century A.D., looking out from main frigidarium.
Entrance to Faustina Bath
Entrance to Faustina Bath
3rd century A.D.
Market Street
Market Street
Leading to the famous North Market Gate.
175-163 B.C.
1st century A.D.
Ionic Stoa
Ionic Stoa
1st century A.D., remains of grand stoa leading along the processional street from the harbor to the North market gate
Capito Bath House
Capito Bath House
Date unknown
Apollo Delphinion
Apollo Delphinion
1st - 3rd century A.D.
Inner Harbor Complex
Inner Harbor Complex
63 B.C.
Inner Harbor Monument
Inner Harbor Monument
63 B.C.
Unknown Building Near Harbor
Unknown Building Near Harbor
Date unknown
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